Welcome to the Study Abroad Office

Explore International Learning.
Discover New Places.
Immerse Yourself in New Cultures.
Find a Better You.
Studying abroad is much more than an international travel experience: It will be an experience of a lifetime. It can be one of the most rewarding experiences in a college student's career on both an intellectual and personal level. Being immersed in another culture will provide the unique opportunity to learn new customs and examine your own culture from an outsider's perspective. You can take courses that are not available at Cochise College and effectively learn a new language by using it on a daily basis. Study abroad affords rich learning experiences that occur just as much - or even more - outside of the classroom as inside it. The knowledge and skills that you will develop abroad will set you apart from students who choose to stay home.
This experience will also set you apart from other job seekers in a very competitive and global job market. Highlighting your international experience and the knowledge, skills and perspective it has imparted on you in job interviews and on your resume can give the added experience necessary to be hired.
Stay, click around for a while, and find out about the opportunities for international study while at Cochise College or in your transition year to University of Arizona or Northern Arizona University.
Our Mission
The mission of the Study Abroad Office is to serve Cochise College students and the Cochise County community by providing academically-based international experiences which will give them the skills to be active, informed, and culturally sensitive citizens in the global community.
In order to meet our mission we are partnering with Global Learning Services, a nationally reputable program, and more locally with Maricopa Community Colleges, University of Arizona and Northern Arizona University. The best part? You can study abroad and earn college credit through any of the above colleges while being a Cochise student (often at semester prices!) Additionally, we seek to expand the international experiences available to our students by developing faculty-led programs.
Local (and inexpensive!) Study Abroad options
Find programs at local colleges that you can participate in as a Cochise College student. Or, consider participating in a program after you have finished your study at Cochise College and before transferring to University of Arizona or Northern Arizona University. Explore their programs through the links on the left-hand side.
Stop by and see us today! We are located in the Center for Lifelong Learning, Room 310 (Next to Security and across from the Library at the Sierra Vista Campus!)