Cochise College

Sierra Vista, AZ 85635
(520) 515-5461
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University of Arizona Programs

University of Arizona Programs

Cochise College students are encouraged to explore options and participate in study abroad programs designed and operated by University of Arizona professors.

By participating in University of Arizona programs you will get to know Arizona professors that you may one day want to study with, you will meet other students from Arizona, among others, and you will be accompanied by an Arizona professor that will most likely make your parents and family members feel more comfortable that you will be traveling with someone local to Arizona.

If you choose to participate in any of these (or other) University of Arizona study abroad programs, please notify us, but then you will apply directly to University of Arizona with the specific instructions listed for the program you are most interested.

Study Abroad Dates and Deadlines:

  • Spring 2011 Applications: October 15, 2010
  • Summer 2011 Applications: March 15, 2011
  • Fall 2011 Applications: April 15, 2011
  • SASE Photo Contest Deadline: October 16, 2010
  • Fall Study Abroad Fair: November 10, 2010 (on UA Mall)
  • International Education Week: November 15-19, 2010

Country                                        Name of Program

Brazil Arizona in Brazil
Chile Arizona in ViƱa del Mar
England Globalization and Sustainability in London
France Photography in Provence
France Arizona in Paris
Germany Arizona Summer Study in Leipzig
Ghana Topics in World Music Cultures
Greece Myth and Landscape in Ancient Greece
Guatemala Study Abroad in Guatemala
The Center for Mesoamerican Research (CIRMA)
Italy Arizona in Italy (Orvieto)
Mexico Arizona in Oaxaca
Mexico Moral Geographies in the Desert Borderland
Mexico Verano en Mexico
Austria,Czech Republic,Germany,Italy,Multi-Country,Poland Medieval Europe Study Tour (2010)
Namibia Desert Ecology and Conservation Biology in Namibia
Russia Arizona Russian Abroad
Spain Arizona in Segovia (Summer)
Spain Universidad de Alcala
Ukraine Arizona in Ukraine
Ukraine Arizona in Yalta
Office of Study Abroad & Student Exchange
The University of Arizona
939 N. Tyndall Ave
Tucson, AZ  85719

Cochise College Study Abroad